May 05, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
It is 1876 and Johnny Cavanaugh is tired of running. After making a name for himself, he is ready to go straight. Robbing one last bank and outmaneuvering Sheriff Wyatt Cashman, the dynamic outlaw invests his money in a small cattle ranch outside Red Mesa, New Mexico. Things quickly complicate when Johnny discovers that Red Mesa has offered Wyatt Cashman the position of sheriff there…and he has accepted.

While avoiding Sheriff Cashman, Johnny must also fight his huge ranching neighbor, the Lazy A. Determined to have Johnny’s range and water, the Lazy A will stop at nothing to force Cavanaugh off his land. When Cashman at last discovers Johnny, he presents the outlaw with an ultimatum: pay back the stolen money or be dragged away in chains.

Throughout all these trials, Johnny must rely on the prayers of friend Abby Gentry, his own tenuous faith in God, and the two ivory-handled Colt revolvers that have earned him the nickname “The Ivory Kid.”

Craig Alan Hart did not begin writing Christian fiction. In fact, his first two releases were secular in nature. When asked why the genre switch, the 24-year-old author replies, “Since my faith is so important to me, it only made since that eventually it would effect my writing.” Although he acknowledges that the change in genre did take some effort, he is quick to add that he has not regretted it. “I’m not saying I will never write anything that is not inherently Christian-themed,” Hart says. “What I’m talking about is an attitude, a recognition of the importance of faith in one’s daily life.” Mr. Hart is available for interviews and book-signings upon request.

Outlaw of Red Mesa exhibits Christianity throughout its 191 pages. From forgiveness to love to reality, Christian ideals are presented with humor and practicality, with fun and adventure being the name of the game. Outlaw of Red Mesa, ISBN number 1-4137-5373-6, was published in April 2005 by PublishAmerica. Outlaw of Red Mesa is available at many online retailers, such as and and retails at $19.95. It is also available for order at your local bookstore.

Media Contact:
Craig Alan Hart
(616) 647-8620

908 4 Mile Rd. Apt. 1C
Grand Rapids, MI 49544