Cozart Appointed to CommtechWireless Board

April 20, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
The Board of Directors for CommtechWireless, global leader in the supply of automated service messaging and mobility workflow systems,, recently announced the appointment of Mr. John Cozart to Director of Operations.

Mr. Cozart joined the CommtechWireless office in Jacksonville, Florida in 2003 and, as Vice President of Operations, was quickly made responsible for all aspects of the day-to-day operations of CommtechWireless not covered by Sales & Marketing.

His wide-ranging responsibilities include overseeing stock control, human resource management, project management and quality control of Commtech products. Commtech USA has benefited immensely from the leadership and experience of Mr. Cozart and his outstanding efficiency has been emulated by the Australian office to great success.

Mr. Cozart recently outlined his expectations for both his new role and the company in general and spoke of the importance of quality support throughout the group.

“I expect to leverage our global presence to provided seamless support and quality delivery of our solutions to our growing customer base anywhere in the world. We will harness the global synergies within Operations to gain efficiencies, productivity and raise the bar with technical advantages through our development within the Healthcare, Hospitality and Gaming industries. We will set an unsurpassed global standard of excellence.”

Of the newest appointment to the board, Commtech USA President Mr. Zane Lewis says,

“The expansion of the Board of Directors provides a solid foundation for our continued growth of the company as we continue to expand the business. Mr. Cozart brings with him a wealth of experience in international management and I look forward to working with him over the coming years”

Mr. Cozart’s new position begins immediately. In other appointments, Mr. Chris McLoughlin was promoted to Director of Global Sales and will oversee sales and marketing for Commtech on a global scale.