Website Security – A New Secure Online Form Fights the Spammers and Hackers

May 18, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
Roseburg, Oregon May 2007 - A Roseburg, Oregon web development company called Panospheric has created a new online form service at - it addresses the most pressing website security concerns while providing high performance and professionalism for email contact, order forms, log-ins, registrations, bank card payments, database access, or any other email-able or database-oriented form use.

Chris Kunze, 37, is the programming engineer who created ProFormPlus. He has a very clear goal in offering it to businesses, web designers, and web programmers: “We want to make it easy for businesses to increase website performance without sacrificing security. ProFormPlus is geared for small and medium sized companies who want corporate website functionality and security, without spending an arm and a leg.”

ProFormPlus does this in several ways. For one, they make it easy to have a form with no form building - expanding on the usual “no programming necessary” offered by their competitors. ProFormPlus makes, customizes, and seamlessly installs their forms as part of the service.

Performance-wise, ProFormPlus has all the bells and whistles: auto-responder, copy sent to form user, thank you message, etc. The forms have logic and order that reassures the user they are on the right track: correct entry examples, help buttons, and error messages at the field that disappear when the data is corrected (eliminating popups, second page error messages, and erased data).

“We look at forms from both the user and business point of view,” says Chris. “We make it as easy as possible to complete a form because frustrating website visitors can negatively affect sales and the company image.”

A Genex report a few years ago confirms this, stating that 60% of website visitors who have a negative experience online will not buy from that same company offline.

Probably what most distinguishes ProFormPlus are its security features. These online forms stop SQL injections, XSS (cross-site scripting), and malicious code insertion that can alter webpages to the detriment of the company. ProFormPlus also stops SPAM-bots (email collection software), header injections, automated dialing software and other causes of website-generated spam.

ProFormPlus does this by checking (validating) for malicious code in every field, client-side and server-side. All forms include an image confirmation Captcha Code to block automated dialing software. It works equally as well JavaScript on or off, solving the security and stability problems inherent in JavaScript-only functions which don’t work in all browser situations.

Website is a needed service. Acunetix, a leading website security company, says that 70% of the websites they tested in a year were open to hacker activities. This reflects companies who know about security issues. They estimate the overall figures are much higher, since most companies aren’t aware of security risks to their websites.

This provides a field day for hackers and spammers. Vulnerable websites are targeted, causing loss of sales, breakdown of company trust, and other serious problems for the company. Even spam has become more than just an irritating time waster – spammer/hacker activities have used unsuspecting website bandwidth to send out spam to others, overloading the server and shutting down the website.

Website security is a curse to web designers as well, who feel the weight of a competitive field - not only is it hard enough to produce an original, attractive, and navigable website, but this is not enough in the sometimes hostile environment of the Internet. ProFormPlus is a security tool to meet that need, offering forms that can have background images and fit into any webpage scheme.

ProFormPlus offers any web designer, web programmer, or web developer a free contact form for their website, no strings attached. This, in hopes they will see how it works and want to use ProFormPlus email contact and other website forms in their work, to increase their offerings.

Says Chris, “Developing ProFormPlus was an exciting challenge and very time-consuming. Most programming nowadays is result-oriented, with cost-effectiveness in mind. ProFormPlus is an affordable way web professionals can offer their clients security, and let them concentrate on web design.”

He adds another perk to web designers and other web professionals: “We aren’t in competition with web designers, but we promote web professionals who use our services. It’s a win-win-win relationship for web designers, businesses, and us,” with a purposeful over-emphasis.

The Internet presents great sales potential for a company. But businesses with an online presence need to think of their websites in the same way as their office or store – protecting it from the unethical forces that have made the Internet their dark alley.

Visit to see online form demos, website security information, and economic solutions for secure online form uses.