June 03, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
One of the UK’s leading Employee Assistance Programme Providers, CiC (, is asking organisations: ‘How Green is your office?’ With the United Nations World Environment Day on Tuesday 5th June 2007, CiC is urging organisations across the UK to look at how their actions are affecting the environment. They are sending out a factsheet looking at the facts of climate change and offering suggestions as to what businesses and individuals can do to reduce global warming.

As awareness about climate change grows, more companies are beginning to look at the effects of their carbon footprints. Yet more businesses need to be aware of their impact in order to make a difference. CiC highlight some frightening statistics:

 The Earth has warmed up by approximately 0.75°C since pre-industrial times
 Eleven of the warmest years in the past 125 years occurred since 1990 (1)
 April (2007) was the warmest month since records began nearly 350 years ago. The Met Office is warning of a repeat of the European heat wave of 2003 which killed 35,000 people across Europe (2)
 There is more CO2 in the atmosphere than at any time in the past 600,000 years. This is highlighted even further by the fact that over the past 40 years, annual global emissions of CO2 have nearly tripled (3)

At home, we may recycle, and make a conscious effort to switch off lights or electrical equipment if we are not using them. Some of us may even use energy efficient light bulbs. Our consciences are appeased as we feel we are ‘doing our bit’ to help the environment. But what about the workplace?

Who takes responsibility for environmental concerns? Who has time to think about the Earth’s environment when the bottom line and profits is of upmost importance?

“The simple fact remains that if we carry on in this way, none of us will be left with a planet to live on. Reducing carbon footprints can be cost effective and even profitable for organisations. By minimizing dependence on fossil fuels, companies are by definition improving operational efficiencies. This leads to money being saved, compliance costs being reduced, waste being cut down and additional tax burdens being avoided. By streamlining operations in line with future requirements, organisations can also protect themselves from climate-related factors such as rising insurance rates and tighter regulations.”

Kate Nowlan, CEO, CiC

It is fine to talk about the benefits of looking after the environment, but what can organisations actually do? CiC’s fact sheet suggests simple and practical tips for organisations and individuals to make a difference, including ideas such as:

• Recycle – Consider what can be recycled in the office and set up containers around the workplace where recyclable material can be deposited, arrange for a collector to pick up materials for recycling
• Energy – Assess the organisation’s energy needs, switch to green electricity suppliers and consider alternative power sources, insulate buildings properly to avoid unnecessary heat usage, open plan office space to allow maximum daylight exposure so reducing the need for electricity
• Transport – car sharing, areas to lock up bicycles safely, dedicated transport services for staff if local transports is inadequate, flexible working conditions / hours so that staff can work from home some days and avoid peak traffic hours
• Water – Monitor the amount of water used and do not use unnecessarily, ensure pipes are well insulated to avoid frost damage, consider alternative water sources, fit water minimising controls were possible such as push taps and low flush toilets
• Procurement – Purchase recycled products

For further information contact Beccy Whittles, Max PR:
020 8334 5749 /

Visuals available

Kate Nowlan available for interview

(1) ‘Melting Ice: A Hot Topic?’ – United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 2007
(2) The Associated Press, April 28, 2007
(3) ‘Melting Ice: A Hot Topic?’ – United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 2007