June 05, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
Now, thanks to English company, Sounds Positive Ltd, people with access to the internet can get the facts about their condition as well as download Sexual Confidence for Men. This product consists of cognitive therapy exercises, created by a fully qualified and experienced psychotherapist for effective and permanent self-remedy.

“The joy of it is that you can start taking control immediately and all in the privacy of your own home,” says company spokesperson, Jane Lester. The downloads consist of two parts: one a 20 minute ‘Cognitive Therapy’ listening exercise and the other an optional 10 minute written exercise: a diary monitoring thoughts and feelings,
all part of the 30 minutes a day, four week process to shift that internal dialogue and make an effective and permanent cure.

“The vast majority of problems, including erectile problems begin with or are exacerbated by the negative conversations we have in our heads,” says Lester. “So when you change those conversations and thoughts, you change the physical outcomes too. Here at Sounds Positive Ltd, we are dedicated to helping people help themselves to do just that.”

Sounds Positive Ltd products use advanced Cognitive Therapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques which allow positive thoughts to replace the negative ones. This is best done while the brain is fully relaxed. To achieve this the audio download of Sexual Confidence for Men uses lowering frequencies which the brain matches, generating a state of deep relaxation. While the conscious brain is enjoying sounds of nature, the subconscious brain is hearing and accepting the ‘positive subliminal suggestions’. Many people prefer to do this last thing at night and use the relaxing sounds to send them to sleep. When asked if it still works in your sleep, Lester grinned. “Like a dream!” she said.

One of the most exciting areas of brain research covers the way the brain ‘thinks’. Thoughts establish biochemical/electromagnetic pathways called ‘memory traces’ and that each time you repeat that thought, the resistance to the pathway carrying that thought is reduced. So the more often you have a thought, the more likely it is to happen. Regular listening to the Sexual Confidence for Men audio achieves that aim.

For further information and to purchase Sexual Confidence for Men visit