Jo Lena Johnson's Inspirational Tour Boosted by Redesigned Website

September 06, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
Nineteen cities in two months. That is the schedule for world-renowned speaker/trainer/coach Jo Lena Johnson between now and November 2. While on a tour that starts in New York on September 6, she will be taping her second in a series of “Effective Communication” keynote workshops. The first one entitled “Transforming Conflict Into Understanding” is flying off the shelves with testimonials coming in from Washington State to the UK.

Visitors can visit the redesigned AbsoluteGood website to custom tailor a communication improvement session for themselves or their company. As company leader Jo Lena Johnson delivers a powerful message, “We always have a choice… when people actually choose to have positive communication, anyone can accomplish it – as long as they are willing to – and choose to practice.”

Jo Lena is accepting speaking engagements for November and December, with dates selling out fast. For your company sales meeting, church, community group or your school, Jo Lena can custom design a relevant and professional presentation that guarantees results. She can teach on any subject. State your goals and invite her to deliver a unique brand of life skills training that will immediately improve interpersonal communication.

For media bookings, contact us now to set up a short visit. Without much preparation, she can do radio call-in shows, television or print interviews. She has recently appeared on radio in Toronto, and has set aside a few hours in each of the 19 cities for personal appearances beginning in New York, LA, Kansas City, Salt Lake City and Washington DC during the month of September.

Review her website to read testimonials and learn more about her services. Here is how one attendee from Newark felt after a Jo Lena workshop:
“It was an eye-opening experience for me to hear Jo Lena discuss the gender differences. I knew women were prone to talk more than men, but she highlights the true differences in the reasons we talk more. I learned a much clearer method of getting the men in my life to listen to what I have to say simply by following
Jo Lena’s example of how to change the fundamental way I present myself.”

Ask any attendee to Jo Lena’s workshops and they come away with a confidence that they can choose to communicate in a positive manner, and not allow miscommunication to interfere with the intended results. Quoting Dr. Stephen Covey, “It’s not enough that you understand the other person, they must feel understood.”

About Jo Lena Johnson –
Jo Lena Johnson created the “Life Skills Management Division” of Absolute Good Inc. through which she is producing an “Effective Communication” DVD series. She has delivered her purpose-driven message to over 50,000 people in corporations, churches, community organizations and schools. Her coaching and Life Skills training workshops cover a broad range of corporate, leadership, professional development, and diversity topics. She developed her expertise in these areas after years of success in marketing, media promotions, and entertainment. She resides in Largo, MD and can be reached at
