Surviving the Preteen/Teenager Years

June 23, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
Easley, South Carolina. June 10. Do you ever wonder what happened to that sweet, innocent child that hung on your every word and clung frantically to you every time you attempted to leave? Does it seem like they have been transformed almost over night into someone you don’t recognize anymore? Or has the fear of drugs, alcohol or depression become an increasing reality in your home? Being a parent has never seemed more complicated.

With the myriad of emotions that affect teenagers, parents often question what’s right and what’s wrong. Some parents even question what constitutes normal behavior and if the behavior they witness with their kids is in fact part of “growing up” or something of concern that needs action to be taken immediately. For instance, did you know that talking back is normal? Not acceptable, but normal. The majority of parents want to do right, but just don’t have the right tools—until now.

Kimberly Chastain’s new book, Help!!! My Pre-Teen/Teenager is Driving Me Nuts!!! is a sensational book providing practical answers and steps to help you survive and enjoy your kid’s preteen and teenage years. Chastain’s book deals with ways to determine what’s normal and what’s not for teenagers, the warning signs of depression, drug and alcohol use, teenage eating disorders and so much more. It’s easy to understand, yet detailed approach makes it a must for all families.

Kimberly Chastain, MS, LMFT is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Professional Life Coach. She has been working with families and adolescents for over 18 years and has witnessed the ups and downs families face and the similarities and signs to watch for. She has utilized this experience to offer valuable advice to families on getting through the preteen years. The success of this book lies with having witnessed these real events and offering real solutions. By utilizing her 18 years experience counseling adolescents and adults, she provides effective guidelines. Recommendations such as “choosing your battles” and the importance of truly listening to your kids are explained in detail and ways to properly do it. Also, for those moms who are nearing the preteen years, it’s an excellent book to read to prepare for the road ahead.

Communication is key for a relationship with your children and this book enables you to communicate with your child by being informed of their feelings and thoughts and helping you to understand their needs more. You’ll soon find you can stop the roller coaster of life and learn to achieve true happiness with your family.

But, the best is yet to come. Along with the e-book, Chastain provides a free 1/2 hour consultation to go over your unique circumstances. How often have you read an article and thought, “That’s sounds like what is happening to us, but weren’t sure if it applied to your particular situation? Well, now with this 1/2 hour free consultation, Chastain can advise you in your particular situation via phone or e-mail.

If you are looking for answers to how to survive as a parent of a preteen or teenager, then her site and book are just what you need. The site offers free articles, tips and answers you’ve been waiting for. Your family deserves the best. Why not provide them with just that?