Guide to Great Cooking

October 25, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
Oct, 23, 2007, Ontario, CA - Aaron Tolosa has been managing a thriving restaurant for the last couple of years and now, for the benefit of many, has come forward with a website specialising on Filipino recipes. Initially like many others who think of cooking as a bugbear, Aaron is now an expert who has taken it upon himself to share his knowledge with people from all over. Everyone interested can find his mouthwatering recipes at

Cooking is an art that needs to be improvised upon every step of the way. And to ensure that it can be enjoyed by one and all, Aaron Tolasa has come out with the excellent idea of paying Filipino food a tribute through the recently launched A self-confessed plain cook in the past, it came as a huge challenge when he was asked to manage a restaurant in the United States. Naturally, it was quite difficult for a person who could only boil rice, fry eggs and cook nilaga at the time. Right at the beginning when the website was founded, what he resorted to was the collection of varied recipes from friends and relatives. But before long he felt he was running out of ideas. And in an attempt to save himself from stagnancy he welcomed tips and ideas from readers as well. Thankfully, he was allowed to play around with tried recipes before his restaurant could serve the same. And within a matter of days Tolasa developed a great fascination for the art of cooking and realized that many others could discover what he already had.

Finding most foreign dishes very hard to follow with their ingredients rarely found in a local grocery store. Aaron tried substituting local ingredients similar in taste to those indicated in the foreign dishes, and cooking them in the simpler ways. Little by little he gained confidence at cooking and if people are to be believed… I became quite good at it. This proves beyond doubt that just because nobody ever considered you a great cook doesn't mean you can't become one. It takes practice and patience. Don't give up if you've burnt some roasts or added too much salt too often. Practice and get your confidence going.

The site is dedicated to providing free Filipino recipes that can be experimented with on a normal day of work as well as during an occasion. So whether it is a Christmas special or a regular snack, is the best place to send recipes and get hold of new ones. At regular intervals new recipes are considered and put up on the site and at any given point the top ten recipes are exhibited to the benefit of experts and amateurs alike. The specialty of the site belongs to the fact that it does not ascribe any standard to any recipe. Tolasa believes in experimenting at all levels and what you have before you is a site that ensures that your taste buds go for a roll!

Finding the perfect recipe to treat your guests with, getting the opportunity to try out Filipino recipes that you never knew existed and more….. gives you a fair share of ideas if you want to treat cooking as an art. There’s a glossary of cooking terms that makes your navigation in the world of cooking easier and you can conduct a personal search for anything you want to know on cooking. Registering with the site further means that you can avail striking benefits like coupons. Moreover, there’s an area that has been specially created for members alone. So if you have always shied away from cooking or have been hesitant to try out new preparations, now is your time to address those issues and acquire, as they say, the brilliant art of cooking.