Mr. Footy Journey's to America

March 27, 2009 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
As if the rules of Australian Rules Football (most commonly played by teams in the Australian Football League or AFL) weren't odd enough, perhaps even more strange and impressive is the life of JD and the passion he has for this unique game. As the season starts in Australia this weekend, JD or Mr. Footy as he is known to his thousands of fans is traveling to America to promote the sport and get people to become more passionate about it.

Mr. Footy, who is already famous in Japan and the Czech Republic due to his extreme (Aussie) personality and literally hundreds of television appearances is looking to make waves in the USA soon as well. The Melbourne, Australia native is the founder of several AFL leagues in Japan and the Czech Republic (both countries of which he also calls home, simultaneously and both languages of which he speaks fluently) but started his career in sports promotion as a mad supporter of the Richmond Tigers Football Club and even spent part of his youth, selling meat pies at the massive Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) sports arena, where he could stay close to the action.

He's become so popular in these two regions that he has even been referred to as the Eddie McGuire (Australia's most recognized AFL television commentator) of Japan and the Czech Republic.

Today however, Mr. Footy is dedicating most of his enthusiasm to his own Prague based AFL team aptly dubbed "The Tigers". But he's not just the president and founder of the team plus it's biggest supporter. JD is also a big time player.

For those of you not familiar with AFL, this is a game that was first played in Melbourne in 1858 and recently celebrated it's 150th anniversary. It's wildly popular (at least in Australia) and is played with an oval ball on an oval field. It looks something similar to rugby when played but moves so much faster where players are often leaping about, high in the air (also known as doing a "specky") to catch a toss.

JD is set to do a string of interviews for local radio and television programs while in America. If you are interested in learning more about "Aussie Rules" and talking to Australia's unofficial AFL ambassador and officially the biggest supporter of the sport and the Richmond Tiger team, you can get an interview with him for your radio or television broadcast during his stay in San Francisco by contacting him directly.