Fertility Educator Julia Indichova Offers Infertility Assistance through New Workshops

April 07, 2009 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
In 1994, at age 44, Julia Indichova gave birth to a healthy baby girl, in direct contradiction to all that medical dogma of the day declared possible. Library Journal hailed her memoir Inconceivable (Doubleday 2001) as "an important consumer health resource…the first such book written from the patient's point of view." In the last sixteen years, Indichova's commitment to share what she learned with women who sought her help, brought forth The Fertile Heart™ Ovum Mind Body Program. With her new workshops designed to help those struggling with infertility issues couples can once again find alternative methods to help conceive a child.

Indichova is clear to not denounce medical technology when needed. "It is undeniably a powerful tool, which harms or heals depending on how we use it. If you do an in vitro cycle, my hope is that you do it once-not seven or ten times." She has seen couples try medical intervention over and over; driving themselves deeper into despair each time it doesn't work. The "Infertility Industrial Complex" says Indichova, is now a 3 billion-dollar industry, with couples spending up to $200,000 to achieve a single pregnancy. In the past two decades, the number of fertility clinics in the U.S. has increased by 900%. Yet, the majority of high-tech procedures—an estimated 75%—fail to produces results!

Endorsed by leading specialists in Reproductive Endocrinology, Indichova's workshops (which costs $225 /per person, $325 per couple) offer a welcome alternative for couples with limited financial resources or to those who don't feel comfortable using assisted reproduction. The workshops introduce the following original mind-body tools which grew out of Julia's personal experience as well as her work with individuals who sought her guidance:

- Nutrition: How to deepen one's relationship with food and obtain the necessary nourishment through fertility boosting foods and recipes.
- Movement: How to access and release painful, conflicting feelings that may be buried deep within the tissues; how to transform destructive energy and enable the creation of new life.
- Imagery: How to use images to identify inner obstacles that contribute to our difficulties and a way to change one's inner reality.
- Dream work: How to reconstruct dreams and read them as mirrors of hidden truths that might hinder conception.
- Language: Observe how our language reveals self-defeating beliefs and how to choose words that support our efforts.

In addition to inspiring a more health enhancing approach to fertility difficulties, the program hopes to clear up what Indichova sees as a growing confusion around the ideas of mind-body medicine:

Says Julia Indichova: In my work as a fertility counselor, I often meet women who are terrified that their less ""positive" thoughts will cause another miscarriage. Labeling our thoughts and responses as positive and negative means that in some way we will censor ourselves. Real healing happens when we create a safe space and allow the truth to rise up. Otherwise those troubled voices might indeed become stored and expressed as "issues in our tissues".

For more information on Julia Indichova's fertility workshops please visit http://www.fertileheart.com .

Julie Indichova