June 02, 2009 (PRLEAP.COM) Politics News
London, June 2, 2009 - With the world facing unprecedented financial and environmental challenges, just 2% of MEPs have financial experience and 1% a background in Physics or Chemistry. The data comes from a new study for EUbusiness.com analysing the CVs (1) of all current Euro MPs (MEPs).

The report's author, Michael Ter-Berg, said 'The quality of our politicians is only as good as the selection process. The EUbusiness study indicates the 'gene pool' in the European Parliament should be broadened to include far greater financial, science and business expertise. Though not part of this study, it is likely that most Parliaments face the same issue'.

47% of UK MEPs have a background in politics, teaching or journalism. Across the 27 countries of the EU, the figure is 63%. 37% come from a background solely in politics (think tank, trade unions, local government or national government). Many have very little or no background outside of policy and research, others have an impressive Government track record. 19% of MEPs have their primary experience as either a university lecturer or a schoolteacher and 7% in journalism. 14% have some business experience but only a very few at senior level.

Leading the pack of those with a background solely in politics is the Netherlands with 70% of its MEPs, Bulgaria is 2nd with 56% and Sweden is 3rd with 47%. Of the largest economies, the UK and Spain tie with 33% of their MEPs. Countries with the largest numbers with a teaching background are Belgium with 42%, followed by Poland with 31% and Portugal with 32%. Of the largest countries, France comes top with 22%, followed by Germany at 19%.

Data source - the Curriculum Vitaes of current MEPs from the European Parliament's website, (www.europarl.europa.eu/members/expert/groupAndCountry.do?language=EN). Prior experience is solely as declared by MEPs.

Business any MP showing more than a year of some business experience. Political are those with backgrounds in trade unions, think tanks/policy, local government and central government. In many cases these careers are intertwined.

Full analysis is available from EU business covering all 27 EU countries.

Notes for Editors

(1) Further analysis available on the EUbusiness website at www.eubusiness.com/Members/michaelterberg/MEPs

(2) Full study includes analysis by political party and by type of degree.

(3) For further information, please contact: Michael Ter-Berg mobile: +44 (0)786 7977256 email: michael.ter-berg@eubusiness.com.

(4) EUbusiness.com is Europe's leading independent online business information service about the European Union. The website provides daily-updated news and information about EU policy, legislation, economic data and opportunities to a fast-growing membership of over 65,000 business professionals, of which more than 25,000 receive the weekly email newsletter EUbusiness Week. The site is managed and owned by EUbusiness Ltd in the United Kingdom.

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