Sudden Death Amphetamine Drug Allowed Back on Canadian Market

August 30, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Education News
Health Canada has allowed itself to be buffaloed by the psychiatric-drug cartel into allowing the amphetamine drug Adderall back onto the Canadian market, thereby unleashing it again on helpless Canadian school children who have been luckless enough to be fraudulently diagnosed with one of psychiatry’s invented disorders.

Adderall was banned six months ago because of a string of 20 sudden deaths of children and adults on the medication, as well as some strokes. But now, because of an unprecedented decision, it has been allowed back on the Canadian market; a complete betrayal of trust.

Health Canada is charged with the responsibility of seeing that harmful substances are kept from children, not aiding and abetting efforts by the psychiatric industry to label and drug every man woman and child on earth.

One prevailing psychiatric theory (key to psychotropic drug and amphetamine type drug sales) is that mental disorders result from a chemical imbalance in the brain. As with this and psychiatry’s other theories, there is no biological or other evidence to prove them. Representative of a large group of medical and biochemistry experts, Elliot Valenstein, Ph.D., author of Blaming the Brain says: “There are no tests available for assessing the chemical status of a living person's brain."

Brian Beaumont, President of the Vancouver chapter of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights stated, "The fact is, there is nothing in any medical or scientific literature that confirms the existence of attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It was invented by a handful of psychiatrists by a show of hands at an American Psychiatric Association meeting in the 80’s. Thus, psychiatrists are labeling and drugging a non-existent malady which is an indictable offence, fraud and child abuse.”.

A new study by Norwegian scientists on the antidepressant Paxil, another of psychiatry’s drugs, has found that it increases the risk of suicide in adults 7 times greater than if the patient had taken a placebo (sugar pill). The new statistics reported in the British Medical Journal are based on 16 clinical trials presented to the world's leading drug regulatory agencies since 1989.

Leading psychiatric agencies such as the World Psychiatric Association, Canadian Psychiatric Association and U.S. National Institute of Mental Health admit that psychiatrists do not know the causes or cures for any mental disorder including ADHD or what their "treatments" specifically do to the patient. They have only theories and conflicting opinions about the diagnoses and methods, and are lacking any scientific basis for these. As a past president of the World Psychiatric Association stated, "The time when psychiatrists considered that they could cure the mentally ill is gone. In the future, the mentally ill have to learn to live with their illness."

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) was established by the Church of Scientology in 1969.

In 1991 CCHR blew the whistle on the suicidal and violent effects of the first of the SSRI antidepressants. In light of the latest studies and banning of psychiatry’s drugs and the volume of evidence about the dangers of these drugs, prescribing psychiatrists and any company or psychiatric association promoting the safety of these drugs should be held accountable for patient suicides and deaths.