New and Improved version of the million dollar homepage

October 03, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
Competition is getting tougher by the minute, as more and more million dollar pages appear on the internet. Henry Williams, creator of however is confident that his site is superior to the competition. "My site provides instant ability to post the Pixel image ad after payment verification from PayPal" he said as he demonstrated how it works. It is simpler and easier to use too. You do not have to guess the locations of the pixels you need to advertise either.

Henry was inspired by Alex Tew's idea to pay off his education with this internet advertising innovation. Knowing that his kids would be facing the same thing in 12 -16 years from now, he decided to launch the site on his own. He explained that in 12 years, most likely it would cost around $50,000 per year. Multiply that by 4 years for a bachelor's degree he said, and you have $200,000 tab. "I would rather have my kids concentrate on their studies than on means to pay for it. So when I learned about Alex's website, I thought to myself, let me do it for my kids too. That is the least I can do".

When asked if he is afraid of the competition, he said:" Alex wasn't and I should not, once advertisers realize how easy it is to post on my site instantly, I anticipate things will pick up very fast."

To check the website, please click on this link:
and Good Luck to all enterpreneurs.