Puts the World of Advice at Everyone’s Fingertips

November 14, 2005 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
The needs of editors searching for advice content and consumers searching for advice can now be met at one website: combines traditional advice columns with the emerging concept of direct personalized advice. Columns focus on a diverse array of topics and are available for print and online syndication. Personalized advice services are offered directly to consumers with the guarantee that their individual issues will be addressed promptly and thoughtfully in a private forum, tailored specifically to them.

Editors will find an array of traditional advice columns with various topics and focuses. Staples include general interest columns such as Dear Matthew for society/relationships/dating, household hints favorite Cleaning Up With Ellen, and working woes exposed in Deskbound Dan. Specialized columns include The Equine Expert, Ask The A+ Editor, E-Male Advice, which is targeted for the gay niche, and the tongue-in-cheek Dear Incompetencia for the college crowd. T-shirts and other merchandise are available for each column.

A complete list of columns and background information for them is available on the site as well as syndication details for editors and content providers who would like to offer one or several of the columns in their own venues. Columns are updated weekly, assuring that fresh material is continually available.

Site visitors have the opportunity to experience the latest concept in receiving advice – Personalized Advice Services. Advice seekers pay a reasonable fee in exchange for knowing their issues will be addressed in a timely, thoughtful, and private manner. They send their questions via e-mail and are guaranteed a personalized response within 48 hours. One happy customer notes on the site’s testimonials page, “It’s the best advice I’ve ever gotten. It was so well thought out. You hit on every aspect of my problem and really gave me a new way to look at it and think about it. Thank you so much!”

Writer Matthew W. Grant, founder of, says, “I have always wanted to find a way to use my writing to help people. Screenplays and novels are great, of course, because they reach a mass audience. However, nothing beats personalized advice for having an immediate impact on people when they really need it.” Matthew smiles and continues, “Besides, I love to give my opinion. It’s nice to have someone finally ask for it for a change.” – The World of Advice is at Your Fingertips