A New Look for HIPAA Security
May 18, 2013 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
For many communication application producers, creating a must-have mobile app for introduction to the world is the easy part. The challenge comes in finding a way to let people to know about said app and making it stick in people's minds. Brand recognition is nearly as important as providing a product that not only solves customer problems, but generally makes life easier. Often times, a successful logo can make or break a marketing campaign.HIPPOmsg has created one of the best professional healthcare applications, with their HIPAA compliant encoding technology that turns mobile devices into safe, instant communication tools. Combined with one of the largest networks of healthcare professionals online, HIPPOmsg has quickly become the go-to app for many doctors, nurses, and even medical students across the country. With thousands already having discovered HIPPOmsg (and more joining every day), HIPPOmsg is looking to spread the word further.
HIPPOmsg has developed a new logo to support their application. Their new logo is now present on their website, as well as part of the HIPPOmsg application. With this new logo, HIPPOmsg is no longer just a name people can hear, it has an identity that people can immediately recognize. By taking the time to develop and implement the HIPPOmsg logo, the application is putting a face to the HIPPOmsg name.
The positive word of mouth that HIPPOmsg has been associated with, has largely been responsible for the application's success; but there is still room for significant growth among the HIPPOmsg community. The strength of the virtual healthcare community is directly linked to the number of highly trained professionals that are a part of it.
If you have yet to discover the benefits of HIPPOmsg's free HIPAA secure software, now is the time to learn all about the cutting-edge encoding technology. Learn how it can help keep your communication HIPAA compliant, as well as secure information about the growing virtual community of healthcare professionals.
If you are among the healthcare professionals who have not tried HIPPOmsg yet and want to learn more, visit www.hippomsg.com