Educates Consumers on Low Interest Credit Cards

January 20, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News today announced a section on its website offering free information on low interest credit cards. With the recognition that individuals are more and more frequently using credit cards beyond the interest free window of the first month, has provided the same in-depth reviews it is known for and applied them to low interest credit cards. The company recognizes the value in having a credit card with a lower interest rate or APR and how that translates into individualized savings of thousands annually for many consumers. Consequently, the company has gone through the complex contracts involved in many of the leading credit card providers and gleaned from those contracts the pertinent interest rate and APR information. has then provided a single resource ( ) through which customers can compare the interest rates and terms of low interest credit cards to find the product that meets their needs the best.

But the website recognizes that credit card purchases are not made in a vacuum of low interest concerns. Rather, many consumers are looking for a range of criterion in making their selections. As a result, in addition to providing information pertaining to low interest rates, the site also provides charts which detail rewards programs, annual charges, and the selectivity of the card. Through these comprehensive resources, customers can compare and rank cards on a wide variety of topics. Or instead, customers can trust the learned recommendations of the staff as they have ranked cards on a wide variety of criterion so finding the right card is simply a matter of considering what needs matter most. To complete their customer service offers, the site also provides for easy to navigate links to apply for the card for those users who have decided which card serves their needs best. is based in the United States and provides customers with a comprehensive resource of credit card information online. For more information visit: