Students Gain Access to Critical Health Information and Services

September 14, 2017 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
Salt Lake City, Utah – September 14, 2017 – inWhatLanguage, a local translation and technology provider, is partnering with United Way of Salt Lake to provide critical information to expand the reach and impact of critical health and education services for refugees and immigrants.

inWhatLanguage will be assisting United Way with a free vision screening for students at Woodrow Wilson Elementary on September 13-14. Translated documents about the event were distributed to parents leading up to the event.

United Way provides free medical, dental and vision services to underprivileged families through its community resource centers located in schools throughout the area.

"Some of the families who need these resources the most have been unaware that these programs exist due to language barriers," said Eryn Gorang, Community School Director at United Way of Salt Lake.

Since August, inWhatLanguage has translated over 47,000 words with information about medical, dental, vision and education resources provided by the United Way and Granite School District.

"We were shocked to find out that 44 percent of students in South Salt Lake are learning to speak English," said Sheldon Wardwell, Social Impact Director at inWhatLanguage. "Language is something we often tend to take for granted, but for refugees and immigrants, it's one of the greatest barriers to success."

Data provided by United Way helped to identify the most widely used languages in South Salt Lake schools, including Arabic, Burmese, Dari, Farsi, Karen, Nepali, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, and Vietnamese.

"This is just the beginning," said Cody Broderick, Founder and CEO at inWhatLanguage. "With the support of partners and language professionals, we want to meet the language and communication needs of vulnerable communities around the world."

inWhatLanguage is launching new website upgrades, featuring these new impact initiatives, updated content about technology and services, and redesigned layout to provide an enhanced user experience.

About inWhatLanguage
inWhatLanguage is a localization and technology provider breaking down language and cultural barriers to unify people and communities around the world. We develop technology and human networks, which connects organizations to communities by allowing them to create, control and manage all enterprise-wide content through a proprietary, cloud-based translation management platform called UNIFY.

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