The Evolution of Link Building

December 08, 2004 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News, a leader in helping webmasters build link popularity for high search engine rankings since 1996,
recently modified its free "link farm" SEM strategies for webmaster clients to a "natural" link exchange forum.

When the program was initially conceived, LinksToYou worked well to garner many of its clients premier positions on popular search engines such as Yahoo, MSN and Google. Over the years, the concept that LinksToYou perfected began to be penalized by search engines as it provided an unfair advantage and elicited a negative response from many SEM agencies and expert SEO's as it mirrored detrimental spamming techniques - something which search engines are always on the lookout for.

"To remain a viable and valuable service to webmaster/consumers over time, we had to evolve our reccomendations on link building strategies which is what we've done with this new forum," said LinksToYou Director of Operations
Peter Prestipino. The new LinksToYou forum provides a no-cost solution for webmasters interested in building links.

No software is neccessary to purchase, only a "willingness to exchange links with other website owners" said
Prestipino, continuing, "it's a great opportunity for do it yourself website owners to arrange for reciprocal links and one-way link arrangements."

LinksToYou registration is free and takes just a few minutes to complete. The forum has over twenty categories
wherein webmasters may freely exchange links or establish link relationships with other members. LinksToYou also
features areas for webmasters to submit their commentary on successful link building strategies and articles or success stories about exchanging links.