Academic Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Center Now Offers Cutting-Edge Tumescent Liposuction Technique to the Detroit Michigan Area

February 23, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Health News
The Academic Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Center, is changing Detroit Michigan liposuction forever. By bringing tumescent technology to the Detroit area, Academic Dermatology has allowed Detroit Michigan liposuction patients to experience awe-inspiring results combined with minimal after effects and reduced post-operative recovery times.

Tumescent liposuction is the ideal choice for Detroit liposuction candidates. Not only is it the safest method of fat removal available, it can be performed without the use of general anesthesia.

“This safe technique has been used on thousands of patients without the use of IV sedation or general anesthesia, eliminating the risks associated with anesthesia and speeding up recovery time,” says Dr. Brian Sandler, a cosmetic surgeon in Detroit Michigan. “It also eliminates a lot of bruising and swelling with much less post-operative pain. Most of our patients feel very comfortable with just a little Tylenol during their fast recovery.”

With thousands of people looking for safer, more comfortable liposuction alternatives, tumescent liposuction may be the answer they’ve been seeking. Detroit Michigan liposuction candidates should be aware of just how safe this procedure really is. Not only can the procedure be performed without general anesthesia, the process itself reduces the amount of blood lost during liposuction.

During tumescent liposuction, a warmed, tumescent liquid is injected into the area that is being treated. The liquid enters the fat, causing it to become swollen and firm. The liposuction is then performed on the tumesced area, causing very little swelling or bruising. This allows for less pain and quicker recovery times than traditional Detroit Michigan liposuction has allowed for.

It seems that the old, antiquated methods of liposuction will soon be a thing of the past. With more and more patients turning to the tumescent technique, the face of Detroit Michigan liposuction is changing forever.

For more information about tumescent liposuction, visit:

Tumescent Liposuction

About Academic Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Center

Dr. Brian Sandler heads up the Academic Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Center. He has been performing tumescent liposuction since 1994 with great success. Dr. Sandler brings his many years of experience to his practice and provides his clients with cutting-edge, top-notch dermatology and cosmetic surgery services.