My InHERitance Ministries LLC
January 16, 2021 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
My InHERitance Ministries LLC where it's a pleasure to serve than be served. We're bringing people to the nation without hesitation. Simply by exemplifying humanity at home and abroad. Unanticipated transitions can be very challenging, particularly in a non traditional family. A physical disability and mental illness has a major impact on ones every day life. Theoretically, the potential for learning and personal growth may be greater than when experiencing an anticipated transition. A sudden transition is liable to cause more stress than any other. Time is of the essence, to name a few, a prolific writer, author, ordained minister, two time 2020 honorary award recipient, Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) and Doctor of Humanitarianism (h.c.) would seem to take many years to accomplish.
However, miracles, signs and wonders accumulated SUDDENLY during todays current economic crisis, known as the Pandemic. Divine favor graced a homeless African American Woman of good faith, her two little girls Kharsyn and Kaislee during a rather traumatizing time in their lives.
Dr. Brittany C. Vinson is indeed a woman after God's own heart. The Matriarch of a special needs family and it's experiences in life have widened and deepened her sense of humanity for the world in many ways. Her greatest desires are to be in the will of GOD and a servant that carries out God's purposes. To exemplify that obedience is better than sacrifice. It's a mystery of how GOD will bring great works into fruition amongst the nations. God has envisioned a much larger community than his people in Israel ever imagined. Technology, globalization, transportation, and different other opportunities happening SUDDENLY.