"It's Faith Jim, but not as we know it" By Catholic Evangelist, Eddie Russell FMI

April 28, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
Perth, WA - April 28, 2006 - An exciting new book by international Catholic Evangelist Eddie Russell crosses denominational lines and gives clear answers on Christian faith to a New-Age generation.

Eddie Russell's explanation of the Biblical names of the Hebrew Mazzaroth tears down the gods of the Zodiac and establishes Jesus Christ as the Lord of the very heavens that declare his glory as God intended; God speaks to us through his creation and in a sense; his creation is a kind of parable.

Eddie's explanation of the creation of Adam and the universe from sub-atomic dust brings this book into the forefront of Christian answers to life in an age of science, shallow relativism and conspiracy theorists, and shows us that the revelation of Christ as taught from the Bible is clear to read in the order of the universe.

His treatment of the nature of light and the Logos/Rhema acting on creation are extremely clear. How light works as described by Eddie is a telling metaphor of how the Light of Christ operates through us as we can reflect Christ to the glory of God and how it acts in creation through the Word of God and he demonstrate this through Scripture.

This book inspires us to see more clearly, why we believe and how faith works; it supports our faith and leads us to understand God who speaks to us in his creation and in his Word and the effect of his Word in action for our daily lives.

Eddie's writing is similar to that of CS Lewis. Like Lewis, Eddie has an incisive mind and the gift of good storytelling. He also has a sound grasp of Scripture and its message in our individual lives in the 21st century; "This book is on a par with Mere Christianity" James Hastings, Journalist for the Catholic Times in England said.

The book also contains accounts of miraculous testimonies such as how a Catholic Nun raised from the dead received healing from the heart condition that caused the heart attack and a man healed from full-blown HIV/AIDS through faith and prayer.

Eddie also recounts his own story of salvation of how he was obsessed with the Zodiac, dabbled with witchcraft, the occult and New Age practices, was heavily involved in alcohol and drug abuse and how despite this, was saved at the point of death through a direct intervention of Jesus.

This thought provoking book not only appeals to those with a scientific mind or seeking spirituality, but to anyone simply seeking to plump the mysteries of faith's growth, power and action in a clear to understand way.

"It's Faith Jim, but not as we know it"
By Catholic Evangelist, Eddie Russell FMI

Published by - Flame Ministries International
PO BOX 8133, Subiaco East
Perth, Western Australia 6008
PH +61 8 9382 3668 - MB 0403 463610
Sample chapter and contents: http://www.flameministries.org
ISBN 0-646-44975-3
277 Pages - Soft Cover - USD$24.50 plus p&h

Imprimatur: + Archbishop Barry James Hickey, Archdiocese of Perth, Western Australia.