RingSMS UBiee PowerPill - Global Fuel Savings

May 01, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
RingSMS UBiee PowerPill Team’s harmonic healthy welfare circle of friendship continues to resonate a symphony of environmental and economical hope around the globe.

Now in over 70 countries and celebrating their first anniversary, RingSMS UBiee Power Team, leading and not following, offers hope beyond worst personal conditions or self-imposed limitations, providing a safe harbor for saving and making money.

A second country has now closed exclusive licenses for marketing rights, bringing the total to two closed countries. Catching the environmental and economic vision, both UK and now Peruvian citizens have stepped up to do their part in positively impacting the environment while simultaneously helping others save money on fuel consumption.

Irrefutable economic and environmental test results among industrial, marine, and transportation industries revealed 10% to 45% savings on fuel economy combined with drastically reduced emissions, prompted a flurry of activity for exclusive licenses. At month’s end in March 2006, all exclusive licenses for marketing the NASA engineered UBiee PowerPill were sold out in Peru.

Dr. Michael U. Dolgoruky, President & CEO of RingSMS UBiee stated he is “…very pleased with the growth encompassing three continents….we are expecting several more countries to sell out of exclusive licenses as companies and consumers experience the tremendous environmental and fuel savings…” His vision remains steadfast to that of creating a healthier planet and harmonically providing a safe harbor for the downtrodden to embrace healthy wealth in the process.

Growing global environmental pollution concerns continue, specifically when transportation is responsible for 78% of hydrocarbons spewed into our atmosphere.

Hydrocarbons, commonly known as “smog”, have been linked to cancer, asthma, chronic lung disease, and heart disease, as well as acid rain and destroyed vegetation. Consumers and companies, small and large, are taking a closer look at viable and economical solutions.

Dee Scrip, Marketing Director for North American Operations explains, “The UBiee PowerPill promotes complete combustion while it cleans and conditions, thus enabling engines of all sizes operating on gas, diesel, and bio-diesel fuel to burn cleaner and cooler … a convenient solution to environmental and economic stress, where consumers simply pop a small pill into the tank at each fill up and experience increased fuel economy, decreased maintenance costs, and reduced emissions.”

The big question now — what country will be next to catch the vision of environmental and fuel savings with RingSMS UBiee PowerPill.

Contact Info:

Dee Scrip 1-412-571-1855
Web: http://www.ubieepill.com