Announces List of Poker Rooms Which Allow US Players

November 08, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News today announced that it has publish a list of poker rooms which allow US players ( was updated last night to reflect some major shifts in the poker industry for US players.

The two major poker brands to complete their exodus from the United States were and HollywoodPoker. These changes are reflected on the list which was updated this morning. These brands are now on the list of “Poker rooms which do NOT allow US players.”

Mergers were also announced between major brands Absolute Poker and Ultimate Bet. These two brands are being watched with a close eye by the owners who update the US poker rooms page at CompatiblePoker. Other major mergers will also be posted as they come along on the newly launched sections for USA poker players.

Due to the large size of the page that tracks poker rooms which allow US players an archived section along with a page index was added for easier use. An email address was also added at the bottom of the page so that visitors can relay new information if it is not already on the webpage.

In 7 days the naming of the poker room which will host many of the skins who decided to switch software users will be announced in posts on the same page.

It is now being recommended that US poker players bookmark to keep themselves aware of all the changes as they are now occurring on an hourly basis due political law uncertainty.

Media Source:
Roger Shriver
US Online Poker Player News