Freelance Poker Writing: New Book Helps Writers Make Money Writing for the Gaming Industry

January 10, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
Writing Career Press has announced the release of FREELANCE POKER WRITING: How to Make Money Writing for the Gaming Industry, a 250-page how-to book written by Brian Konradt. It is now available at

Author Brian Konradt, a professional freelance writer with over a decade of experience, introduces writers to the exciting and thrilling world of poker and gaming. He shows readers step-by-step how to make money and succeed as a freelance writer in this growth industry.

Freelance Poker Writing is the first book showing freelance writers how to cover poker tournaments, poker events, and poker-related topics, and sell what they write to magazines, newspapers, websites, companies and other media outlets in the gaming industry.

Why now? Why a book on freelance writing for the gaming industry?

“Both poker and casino-style games have been growing in popularity — and so has the writing opportunities,” says Konradt. “Writing about poker and gaming is more than covering live poker tournaments and events; and it's more than just writing about poker.”

According to Konradt, the Internet has spawned many online writing opportunities, such as blogging, writing for poker and gaming magazines and websites, self-publishing, and writing SEO articles for companies and affiliates. He also explains that “poker writing” is more than writing about the games of poker. Poker writing includes the influences of poker, such as entertainment, technology, psychology, law, lifestyle, money, travel, and so on. “Writing about poker and gaming, along with their influences on society, is limitless,” says Konradt.

Freelance Poker Writing contains over 250 pages of solid how-to, no-hype information. Its 18 chapters cover everything from “What Is Freelance Poker Writing?” to “Building a Rewarding Career as a Freelance Poker Writer.” Each chapter contains advice and inside strategies from well-known freelance writers and poker players in the industry.

An amateur poker player and a Texas Hold’em addict, Konradt wrote Freelance Poker Writing out of his passion for poker and writing. “I became interested in Texas Hold’em when certain cable channels began airing poker tournaments on TV. I then started playing poker for fun and became even more consumed by it. My poker addiction led me to research more about poker and the gaming industry. During my research I met freelance writers who were making money in this growth industry. I was interested in how they broke in and what it was like freelancing in this industry. I wanted to tell their story. This is what gave me the idea for my book.”

Konradt had interviewed more than 30 professional freelance writers and poker players, and he includes 25 of these pros in his book. “Many of these writers and poker players are at the peak of their careers. They exemplify success in every imaginable way. I was very fortunate to pick their minds. All of the writers and poker players I interviewed were eager to share their experiences for my book so they could help other writers to succeed.”

Konradt had spent eight months researching and writing Freelance Poker Writing. He refers to the writing and research process as a “labor of love.” What was intended to be an 80-page how-to guide slowly turned into a mammoth 250-page book. “I honestly didn’t want to finish my book. I wanted to keep on writing,” admits Konradt.

During this time, the gaming industry experienced some negative setbacks, such as new laws trying to ban online gambling for money in the U.S. “It’s hard to say how these new laws will affect online and offline gaming in the future,” said Konradt. “At first it seemed all negative, but many positives have come out of it as well. U.S. gaming companies and casinos are expanding their brands to the growing European markets; they are also finding new sponsors and striking up unique business deals. Mobile casino-style games are becoming very popular too. Many of these developments are newsworthy and make for great article ideas.”

The book’s website,, provides free chapter excerpts; an interview with a freelance poker writer; quotes by established poker writers and poker players; information on what is freelance poker writing; and how the new laws trying to ban online gambling for money in the U.S. may affect certain freelance opportunities.

Freelance Poker Writing is priced at $24.95 and is available for immediate download.

Author Contact:
Brian Konradt
PO Box 14061
Surfside Beach, SC 29587

Book Statistics:
ISBN: 978-0-9792582-0-6
Retail Price(s): $29.95 US; Special intro. price: $24.95
Size and Format(s): E-book (.pdf)
Page Count: 261