Church Pews are Essential Right from the Concept of Sanctuary Design

March 13, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
When a new church is being designed, or an old church is being renovated, the crucial decision regarding its sanctuary is selection of church pews and their arrangement and placement. Such elements as optimum line-of-sight and hearing, adequate comfort for the duration of the service, and architectural conformity are all high on the list of priorities.

To ensure intelligent selection of church pews, as well as proper measure, code adherence and installation ease, many church building committees as well as religious facility architects involve a competent church furniture manufacturer. “You need to have someone you can go to who has experience and knows what they’re doing,” says Building Finance Chairman Larry Linman of the American Lutheran Church in Bourbonnais, Illinois. Like many churches across the nation, after careful consideration they decided on Imperial Woodworks of Waco, Texas, a church furniture manufacturer and specialist in the installation of church pews for 46 years.

Tony Mull, an architect with The Aspen Group of Frankfurt, Illinois, agrees. “The elements of restrictions of how long the pews can be and their spacing are rigid to a point that many times the sanctuary needs to be designed around the pews,” he says. “There are issues of whether the floor is flat or sloped, of clearance and making sure the aisles are right, and ensuring you are able to seat the right number of people.” Mull has also worked extensively with Imperial Woodworks, involving them from the beginning of projects.

A church building committee, when specifying a pew, is also looking to the architect for guidance, and an architect being guided by an experienced church furniture manufacturer will be able to provide the best service to the church. This particular company offers a free service to architects who can electronically transmit plans and have them evaluated, and assistance is offered in code adherence, clearance, and other issues.

For the choosing of church pews, after extensive consultation with the church, the company sends a representative with sample materials who makes every effort to accommodate all that church’s particular needs. For example, church pew seating may not be adequate for the entire sanctuary, and the company can provide removable seating, perfectly matched to the fixed pews. The company is also well-versed in the requirements of different denominations.

Another important aspect of involving a pew expert, both for the architect and the church, is an understanding of the science of church pew design. The construction of the pew itself to last through normal moisture problems, the pitch of the pew backs, and proper accommodations for risers and kneelers are just a few of the crucial issues.

Of equal importance, of course, is the on-time delivery of the exact product ordered. Knowing how important that first service is, the company makes sure not only that delivery occurs on time, but proper installation as well, including any needed last-minute changes.

Involvement of an expert on church pews such as Imperial Woodworks right from the beginning of a church construction or renovation will ensure the best possible receipt of the sermon from the pulpit, and the comfort of parishioners for many generations to come.

John Hancock
Imperial Woodworks, Inc.
Phone: (800) 234-6624
Fax: (254) 741-0736