Text encryption and steganography with NCrypt TX

March 09, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
LittleLite Software has just released NCrypt TX version 2.1, a text based encryption and steganography tool.

An unlimited trial version is available here: http://www.littlelite.net/ncrypt/

This is a solution to hide, scramble or encrypt text documents, messages and communications. User may copy or enter the text to encrypt, select the encryption method and password and then send the encrypted message using e-mail or any other communication tool.

NCrypt TX presents itself like a text editor with encryption/decryption commands. The input text can be encrypted using state-of-the art encryption algorithms, such as AES-Rijndael or 3DES, or with historical algorithms, such as ROT13 or Playfair. The user must only decide the encryption algorithm and insert a password. The password is then turned by NCrypt TX into a sequence of unique bytes with SHA384 hash function and then passed to the encryption algorithm.

The corresponding text may be displayed as Base64 text or Hexadecimal text. For instance, the first line of this press release, encrypted with DES and password = "Password" results into the following string:


Along with common encryption, NCrypt TX supports steganography, that is the possibility to hide encrypted text into random generated phrases in English language. This is done by the steganography engine, which is based on an English dictionary of circa 80.000 words. With the steganography function, a message, for example, can be turned into:

"Prop euthanizing dials, bannisters flashing. Choicest penetrating instructional peelers nonsuccessive; devastators peso cats maidenhood landings. Damaging prise cupped, landlubbers scandalously, falsifies carolling manse esophagi; pays. Malenesses obtaining sabra oddness package. Dirts: silver modification jessamine brutal ostentations monsoonal austerest equivocalnesses loud. Parsley mounts outreach scraggliest exceeding schemer. Manicures mushed, circumscribe decaffeinates levering harlot cleansing plaid chokers glasnosts. Bother portraying dunning baggier disfigurements? Insurgent; cushioning memory immunodeficiency protean repopulating sage. Dandruff relatedness castrates proposed shreds ringlets cursively coagulating flit! Shortstops pastureland incrimination: revival barrows? Bejewel bienniums, longhand greenbelts semiconscious. Pluckinesses rowings: grungier disorders, automated? Anapestics glamour, scantnesses, erasing plumb moderatenesses medias ruggedest: analytic lovemaking: hares? Four conquests falconries notarizing clangors. Lanterns davenports: indented legible fluffy! Conferee codependencies climb forestland egghead! Geranium copycat reconditioning extemporaneousnesses fieldworkers hereon pleasant: ducklings fumigates docking. Knifes residential screen pailful furring. Recontact las sacking conversely hydrophobias. Capitalisms repulsions eloped jagged decimation frowsiest."

More about it by googling "LittleLite NCrypt TX".