“I-TO-WE” Institute Announces– The “I-TO-WE” Corporate Coaching Division

March 17, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
March 2007 — The “I-TO-WE” Institute — the educational division of “I-TO-WE”™ Relationship Coaching – is proud to introduce the formation of the “I-TO-WE” Corporate Coaching division.

Glenn Cohen, president of the “I-TO-WE” Institute says they have developed an efficient, effective, results oriented coaching program to assist companies at all levels of their organization.

He says coaching is a new and powerful approach to help educate, motivate, and train all employees. The “I-TO-WE” coaching process is designed to guide management teams, supervisors, and employees towards creating a productive, efficient, and effective work environment.

Through extensive research into the communication needs of individuals and couples, he says the “I-TO-WE” Institute recognized that the same skills, strategies, and techniques designed to promote healthy communication in personal relationships can be modified for use in corporate settings.

The “I-TO-WE” coaching model assists supervisors, employees, and corporate leaders in mastering more effective methods of communication — leading to enhanced teamwork, increased productivity, and improved employee morale.

Cohen says what makes “I-TO-WE” so unique is they recognize that every organization is unique, with wonderful people who have creative ideas to help your company move forward. Our philosophy is to listen and understand the areas of concern you would like to focus on. In a collaborative effort, we work together to develop a program that addresses your needs and concerns.

He says the “I-TO-WE” coaching services are easily adaptable to many types of corporate settings and can be customized to fit the needs of your particular organization. For example, they work with executives with balanced life-work coaching issues, with human resources to help develop employee training programs to assisting employee relations working with employees to manage conflicts.

Contact Information

Glenn Cohen
"I-TO-WE" Relationship Coaching
655 St. Andrews Boulevard
Charleston, SC 29407
Office: (843) 852-9828
Fax: (843) 852-9829
Email: gcohen@itowe.org
Website: www.i-to-we-relationship-coaching.com

International Coach Federation
Charleston Chamber of Commerce