Sweet Debbie’s Organic Cupcakes Participates in DAYS OF OUR LIVES Green Week

April 07, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
Burbank, CA (PR Leap) April 10, 2007 - As part of a growing movement toward becoming eco-friendly, the NBC soap opera "Days of our Lives" has asked Sweet Debbie's Organic Cupcakes to take part in their Green Week project which will take place the week when the two main characters, Sami Brady and Lucas Roberts get married on the show.

Debbie Adler, Owner and Head Baker of Sweet Debbie's Organic Cupcakes, says, "We are very excited to be a part of the "Days of our Lives" Green Week. It is very important for people to realize that recycling and using organic products will not only help the environment as well as help them live longer and healthier lives, but it's really delicious and fun!."

Sweet Debbie's Organic Cupcakes plans to provide 100 organic cupcakes for the cast and crew of "Days of our Lives" along with many other companies who will be providing locally grown and organic flowers, organic beauty products, a pure, natural silk wedding gown, and organic wedding cake.

“Days of our Lives” has earned the EMA’s Green Seal of approval for their work toward eco-friendly production by recycling their sets, using organic and cruelty-free hair products, and using approved paint products.

Green Week takes place starting Monday, April 16 and goes through Friday, April 20th. The goal is to show that going green is not just a Hollywood trend and that there are plenty of resources now to make it easier for people to help the environment and themselves.

Sweet Debbie’s Organic Cupcakes makes organic cupcakes, cookies, brownies, muffins and granola, without the use of refined sugars or creams.