Reverend Dan Willis Teaches How to forget What Has Been Forgiven

April 20, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
In a humorous and heartfelt book, Freedom to Forget: Releasing the Pain from the Past, Embracing Hope for the Future (July 2007), Reverend Dan Willis shares on the power of forgetting what has already been forgiven.

The inability to both forgive and forget can defer hope, prevent true reconciliation, cause bitterness, and keep you from growing or moving on. Even after forgiving someone, the hurt from a past experience can still find ways to debilitate us when we remember unnecessary painful details. With several real-life and biblical examples, Freedom to Forget sheds new light on what it truly means to move past pain, hurt, rejection, and disappointments.

“It is very common for us to rehash our hurts, rather than letting them go,” says Willis. “Instead of letting our wounds heal, we keep picking away at the scabs of memory, making ourselves bleed anew. This is the time we must practice forgetfulness.” As readers delve into Freedom to Forget, they will discover healing, reconciliation, and the fresh new perspective that comes when an individual chooses to forgive and forget.

Reverend Dan Willis pastors The Lighthouse Church of All Nations in Chicago, Illinois. He is the creator and host of the Total Living Network’s Inspiration Sensation. Freedom to Forget is Dan Willis’ first book with Whitaker House.