Legends of America Revives the History of the Old West!

July 02, 2004 (PRLEAP.COM) Travel News
"Legends of America' – http://legendsofamerica.com - has revived the Old West with in-depth articles on everything from Black Jack Ketchum to Colorado mining days; the Missouri-Kansas border wars to Jesse James; and most recently, an ongoing trip along Mother Road 66. This wonderfully reflective website is rich with history, fun and even surprises. Whether its tales from Moreno Valley, New Mexico or ghostly legends of the Independence, Missouri jail, readers are finding hours of enjoyment, facts about those small out of the way hidden attractions, and treasure hunting tips to boot. For those frustrated with the "information snippet' society we live in, Legends of America focuses on travel destinations that appeal to the nostalgic and historic minded, giving more than just a paragraph, it takes them there. Photographs of then and now give the reader a better perspective of what once was, with stories written in a down home style that draw them in even more. Even old west recipes are sure to please, providing a literal taste of the old west.

In addition to the wealth of information provided, Legends of America also provides its readers with free screen savers, free directories - where businesses can add their listings, and a newsletter to a growing list of subscribers, that features all manner of lore and legends of the American West.

For additional information, visit the website at http://legendsofamerica.com, e-mail at info@legendsofamerica.com, call 913-708-5119, or snail mail at 7457 Quivira Rd, #166, Shawnee, KS 66216