HispanicTips.com, first site with 25,000 posts covering Hispanic News

May 16, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
HispanicTips.com now has over 25,000 posts referencing Hispanic and Latino news. With this milestone passed and almost two years under its belt, HispanicTips may now be considered the best Hispanic news service in English. Reaching this mark took less than two years of work by Tomás, the self-proclaimed #1 collector or Hispanic News and Info on the web.

You may ask yourself, who cares about Hispanic news, but we are now the largest minority group in the country. There are 42 million of us living in the US. That is 14% of this country’s population and by 2050, that number will jump to almost 25%. We already are 20% of Americans aged 34 and younger. In other words, our combined purchasing power will soon top $1 trillion. We have a huge need and duty to stay informed, to educate ourselves for knowledge is power. We are the fastest-growing segment of the electorate nationwide and without knowledge (and registered voters) we can't wisely wield the power our numbers connote.

Built upon the concept of an aggregation blog, HispanicTips delivers relevant and comprehensive Hispanic and Latino news in English on a daily basis for free in a format designed to save time because knowledge is power.

HispanicTips serves two distinct purposes both unique in terms of scale and comprehensiveness.

1.Daily Hispanic and Latino news
2.An information archive for Hispanic life in US

As time has passed and the site has matured both of these purposes have become more apparent. A daily newsletter is sent out to 1300+ people. People who are obviously interested in staying current on what is going on. However, many people come to HispanicTips via the search engines seeking information about a wide range of topics.

Readers have said: "love it," "informative," "helpful," "useful," "great" and "invaluable."

Before HispanicTips, there was no single place to easily stay informed on a daily basis about Hispanic/Latino news from around the country in English. In fact many people couldn’t imagine what it is like to be informed about Hispanic issues because so much of the news in Spanish or spread about in various places. That was the reason HispanicTips came into existence, to fill a void and a need. At first it was Tomás' need but it quickly became apparent that other people also sought this type of news and information.