Web Video Marketing – (R)Evolution made in Germany and the USA

May 23, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Technology News
Denver & Cologne, May 2007: Short videos on the web are moving into the focus of many advertisers. A recent study confirmed that online videos are even more effective than classic TV ads. A fast growing number of companies are looking at web videos to get their messages across. Now a turn-key solution is being provided by conceptbakery – a German/American marketing agency: A new & innovative model for the creation and distribution of viral web videos named moviebakery.

moviebakery is basically a platform that connects advertisers with a large pool of creative talent – all in a very structured and efficient manner. This allows for the production and distribution of web videos at very affordable rates: 10 ideas turned into 10 video by 10 different producers - custom made for the advertiser - for EUR 10,000 or USD 13,000. This model includes the initial distribution of the videos on the Internet.

Over the years, the agency has developed an in-depth know how of viral and guerilla marketing. Based on this information, conceptbakery developed a quality control system that makes sure that the completed videos meet the expectations of the clients and are well received within the target groups.
The model already has a patent pending and seems to be sitting very well with clients. moviebakery is able to present three interesting clients at its launch already: Swiss International Air Lines, Sparhandy.com (A German mobile services provider) and a third well-known client that can’t officially be named yet.

How exactly does the moviebakery model work? What is so (r)evolutionary about it?
Today, many successful videos are being made outside the big studio or agency world. “The users at YouTube & Co. have shown to the world that they can turn great ideas into great videos - all on a budget with widely available technology” states Klaus Holzapfel, Managing Partner of conceptbakery USA.

moviebakery is tapping into this widely unused talent pool. An automated platform allows for the entire project management and quality control. It is the interface between the clients of moviebakery and the video producers. “Each video producer applies with moviebakery and we review their reference projects before they get admitted to our talent pool. This process ensures the required amount of creativity and technical knowhow for our clients.” says Felix Holzapfel, the managing partner of conceptbakery Germany.

The bottom line is a win-win-win situation:
Clients get access to a large pool of talented video producers with a huge amount of creativity. The process is managed by a professional agency and provided at an attractive rate. The multi-level quality control ensures that the completed videos show the client or its services or products in the desired manner. Negative publicity that is present with open web video contests is going to be avoided.

Producers don’t have to provide their videos for free to video portals any longer. They have the opportunity to turn their “hobby” into a revenue generating activity. moviebakery pays a fixed amount of EUR 500 / USD 650 plus an optional bonus component for top performing videos. The video artists get to work for interesting clients and can build their portfolios without spending efforts on sales at all. They get to focus on their core strengths: Developing ideas & making videos.
Of course the providers of the portal are happy as well: They created a web application that – unlike many other web 2.0 business models – generates revenue and profits from its first day of operation.

Further information is available at:
www.moviebakery.com (US / International interface) or
www.moviebakery.de (German interface).

About moviebakery:
The platform moviebakery offers a completely new model for the production and distribution of commercial videos on the web. It is run by conceptbakery, a German/American marketing agency specializing in unconventional and cross-media marketing.

Press Contact:
conceptbakery llc.
10230 Zenobia Circle
Westminster, CO 80031
Phone: (310) 356 - 6624
Fax: (530) 326 - 6815
E-Mail: info@conceptbakery.com
Web: www.conceptbakery.com / www.moviebakery.com

conceptbakery GmbH & Co. KG
Deutz-Mülheimer-Str. 140
51063 Cologne
Phone: 0221-46995-08
Fax: 0221-93836-45
eMail: info@conceptbakery.de
Web: www.conceptbakery.de / www.moviebakery.de