How NOT to Date A Jerk or Jerkette

May 24, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Lifestyle News
Dearborn—May 2007— The Marriage Resource Center of Wayne County is proud to present the P.I.C.K- a - Partner training program, more commonly known as How To Avoid Dating a Jerk, on June 9th from 9 – 4:30pm.

The P.I.C.K program was designed by Dr. John Van Epp who has presented it all over the country with much success. How To Avoid Marrying a Jerk is aimed towards singles, however Julie Bock, Executive Director of the Marriage Resource Center, who will be leading the training contends that: “The skills and lessons that the P.I.C.K program teaches can apply to singles at any age”.

The program will not be in standard lecture format instead it will be video driven and activities based. Participants will learn the five crucial steps needed for a healthy relationship. which are: Knowledge ,Trust , Reliance, Commitment and finally Touch.

Participants will also learn the five red flags they should look for in a potential partner before they commit to any relationship. These are: Family and childhood experiences, level of maturity, how compatible you are, the strength of their relationship skills, and their relationship history.

Julie Bock recommends this program because she feels that the skills it will teach can change peoples lives: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. By attending this program, people will learn how to make healthy dating decisions for the rest of their lives”.

The cost for this full day program is $30 which includes all materials. It will be held at the office of the Marriage Resource Center which is located at 23400 Michigan Avenue, Dearborn Michigan Suite P – 18. Pre registration is required. For more information call 313 278 4400 or (734)612-8795.

The Marriage Resource Center of Wayne County 23400 Michigan Avenue Dearborn, Michigan 48124

Contact: Steven Hernandez Telephone: (734) 612-8795
