New Hampshire Federal Executive Association Sponsors 2nd Breakfast for Managers

May 27, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Politics News
Portsmouth, NH - New Hampshire Federal Executive Association (NHFEA) President Marlene Littlefield recently announced that the NHFEA is sponsoring a second "Breakfast for Managers." The breakfast will be held June 20, 2007, at the New Boston Tracking Station's Recreation Area, New Boston, NH.

"Participants at the first breakfast in March were so positive about the effectiveness of the networking, we are offering another opportunity for agency heads' to meet with one another in a relaxed, informating setting," Littlefield said. "One NHFEA goal is to foster opportunities such as these so that representatives of federal agencies can find common ground and establish collaborative relationships. When agencies work better together, it is a win-win situation for everyone."

Future NHFEA plans include offering the breakfast meetings on a quarterly basis, rotating the location between Portsmouth, Concord, and Manchester to make it easier for everyone interested to attend.

Agency heads interested in participating and/or designating a representative to serve on the NHFEA Board of Directors should visit the web site at or contact Ms. Littlefield directly.

The NHFEA is a voluntary, non-profit organization established for the purpose of improving operation of the Fedearl Service through the sharing of informatino, discussions, and the exchange of ideas and experiences.