UK Energy Saving Helps You to Plan for a New Eco-Friendly Academic Year

August 17, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Business News
It never really seemed to start, but all of a sudden the end of the summer is just around the corner with another academic year ready to start in a few short weeks. UK Energy Saving has therefore been thinking about how students and all those working in the educational sector could start the coming term in an eco-friendly manner.

The consumer website,, covers all aspects of energy saving and related topics and their Energy Watch page,, now includes tips and suggestions for an eco-friendly academic year. With hundreds of thousands of students and staff at educational establishments in the UK, even small measures could make a big difference in terms of our carbon footprints and green living.

For those who are studying at school, college or university, considering whether the kit required could be ‘greener’ is a great start with items such as recycled stationery relatively easy to procure. And whether studying or working in education, there are a number of initiatives which could be put forward to help the place of study become more environmentally friendly. Recycling and energy saving schemes are an excellent starting point and can involve everyone with the added benefit of being educational as well as environmentally friendly.

For many more eco-friendly suggestions for the new academic year visit the UK Energy Saving Energy Watch page,