September 17, 2007 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
JOHNSBURG, IL, SEPTEMBER 17, 2007: Tim Stewart, a local businessman, coach and mentor, has signed a contract with Nightengale Press of Mequon, WI (www.nightengalepress.com) to publish his first novel, POSITIVE FORCE. This book offers a positive alternative to gang involvement for teenagers. While the book is fictional, it does offer a complete constitution that can be applied to real life Positive Force programs.

For years, Tim has been committed to making a difference in the lives of local youths. Now, with POSITIVE FORCE, he plans to make a difference in the lives of young people across the country.

“Young people today are bombarded by negative influences,” says Tim. “And, while there are many great programs for good kids, POSITIVE FORCE is geared toward kids who have made poor choices and feel these choices are their destiny. POSITIVE FORCE lets them know that there is a positive way to win over negative influences.”

Editing of this work is being provided by Yvonne Perry of Write On! Creative Writing Services of Nashville, Tennessee (www.yvonneperry.net); an author also published by Nightengale Press. “It is a privilege to work with such a talented author,” says Perry. “The story leaves you begging for more at the end of each chapter.”

POSITIVE FORCE has a scheduled publishing date of January 15th, 2008. Tim is planning to have enough books printed to offer pre-publishing book signings by December 1, 2007. See www.positiveforce.com for more information.