Warbasse Design launches Buzz Aldrin into virtual space

December 15, 2006 (PRLEAP.COM) Media News
Santa Monica, CA (BonoVox PR) – Multimedia firm Warbasse Design has been selected to exclusively represent astronaut Buzz Aldrin’s ShareSpace Foundation as well as his biographical buzzaldrin.com website. Warbasse Design was commissioned by Dr. Aldrin’s team to redesign the websites in an effort to respond to Buzz Aldrin followers. Requests for buzzaldrin.com and sharespace.org have included more educational resources on space travel and Dr. Aldrin’s ascent to the moon as well as interactive tools for people of all ages to enjoy. With buzzaldrin.com focusing more on Dr. Aldrin’s personal story and his accomplishments, sharespace.org will serve as an educational and recreational clearinghouse on space travel.

Philip Warbasse, internet designer, developer and CEO of Warbasse Design, explains that his work on the website will be multifaceted. Along with creating website structure, strategy and growth, Warbasse Design will also ensure that informational resources and notifications of space travel developments are updated on a daily basis. Warbasse Design will also host the websites on its server.

“With ShareSpace Foundation’s website near completion, we are currently updating buzzaldrin.com to include the last three years Dr. Aldrin’s life and work,” says Warbasse. Dr. Aldrin’s team has explained to Warbasse that the emphasis of the websites should be placed on the future of space travel and the importance of involving the general public as these developments occur. Warbasse has personally crafted several unique concepts to incorporate Dr. Aldrin’s aspirations and is enthusiastic about the way that the website structure and objectives are naturally coming together.

With a knack for providing visually appealing designs that subtly enhance the website’s focus, Warbasse looks forward to the future developments that the two websites will take. “Providing creative direction and development of a website is not nearly as important as establishing and working toward the bigger picture. For buzzaldrin.com and sharespace.org, the bigger picture is providing tools that will captivate children, students, parents, teachers and even large corporations to learn about the future of space travel and inform them of ways that they can be involved in the process.”

To find out more information about Warbasse Design, visit http://www.warbassedesign.com/. For more information about Buzz Aldrin’s websites, visit http://www.sharespace.org and http://www.buzzaldrin.com.

About Warbasse Design:
At Warbasse Design, our core objective is to help our clients become better known and better understood through the development and deployment of robust online services and media public relations. Founded in 2000 by Philip Warbasse, today our team of designers, developers, illustrators and creative professionals help businesses with varying goals and budgets leverage their investment on the world wide web and various media outlets by creating a holistic approach to their web design, public relations and marketing requirements. For additional information relating online or media PR, visit www.warbassemedia.com, email Katie Doling-Bastianelli at katie@bonovoxpr.com or call 602.451.9586.

About Buzz Aldrin
On July 16, 1969, Apollo 11 astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins embarked on a journey to the moon, and four days later, on July 20th, Buzz and Neil landed the “Eagle” Lunar Module near the Sea of Tranquility to become the first humans to set foot on the moon’s surface. Since then, Dr. Aldrin has remained at the forefront of efforts to ensure a continued leading role for America in manned space exploration. To advance his lifelong commitment to venturing outward in space, he founded his rocket design company, Starcraft Boosters, Inc., and the ShareSpace Foundation, a nonprofit organization devoted to opening the doors to space tourism for all people. Buzz and his wife, Lois, who co-manages their business enterprises, live in Los Angeles. For more information, please visit www.buzzaldrin.com.

Represented online by BonoVox PR
Katie Doling-Bastianelli
